To shell or not to shell: That’s the Question (by Maricel, Mercedes & Gerónimo)

 It was a lovely night when the snail saw a gang of slugs enjoying something that seemed to be fresh leaves. Then, the snail stopped and said “why do they always look so happy? I want  to be happy, too”. So, he decided to talk to them.

“Hello, friends!”

“What’s up, dude? What are you doing here?”

“Nothing. I was just looking for something to eat. By the way, what are youeating looks delicious and strange.”

“These are toadstools, and to consume it, you have to be part of our gang, the slug gang. But… You can’t with that shell of a baby snail.”

After that, the snail felt so bad because he wanted to be part of that cool group. So, he decided to do everything that was upon him to make it possible. When he arrivedhome, he started to smash his shell in order to get rid of it.

The next day, the snail went back to the place of the gang, but now without the shell.

“Well, well… It looks that the baby snail is a complete adult now. Now you can enjoy our delicious and hallucinatory food.

The slugs gave the snail a bit of their toadstool. The snail consumed it, and little by little, he started to feel bad and saw the slugs mocking at him. Ashamed, he left the place wondering “how could I do this to myself? How can I recover my identity, my shell?”

Time went by and the snail recovered his shell and now he realizes that he doesn’t have to try to fit where he did not belong.

Finally, he could be happy with his shell and embrace his identity.


  1. Hey, there! As you can probably tell by my user name, this is Mica. I really liked the animals (insects? I am not sure) you chose for the fable. They are very suitable for the situation you presented. Although you definitely deserve a shout-out for making a baby snail relatable, what made me choose your writing was its title! Great job at catching the reader's (AKA my) attention.

  2. Hi there! Lovely fable guys, I really liked the message behind it. It's short and in certain moments not so sweet, just as life is. It think it could really work in the classroom, specially with teens as this is something they stuggle with on a daily basis. Fantastic job, congrats!


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