The Zebra and the White Tiger (by Micaela and Nadia)

One day, a baby white tiger and his mother were alongside a river, when they encountered a baby zebra. Having noticed that they looked very much alike, they welcomed her into the family, becoming a pack. As time went by, baby zebra and baby tiger became inseparable, even more after their mother passed away. Feeling unsafe, they decided it was time to join another pack. They looked for other tigers nearby, and found some.

“Your savepassage is your mate’s head”, the leader of the pack said. Fearing that he would be left out, the tiger turned back to the zebra, looking at her like a predator sees its prey.


  1. Such an interesting plot twist girls! I didn't see that coming. I think this could be used in a classroom to talk about friends or people close to sts turning their backs on them or even leaving them aside in order to fit in. This could be relatable for some students. Great use of a simile as well!

  2. Wow! the story is really powerful and super interesting to work with students on Gramsci's theory of cultural hegemony. I couldn't think of another thing when I reached the ending; the dominant class would be the new pack who want to keep authority through a coercive action on the tiger and the zebra. I loved it, girls.


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