The Job Song (by Abril)

 A very entertaining video is introduced to talk about jobs in The Job Song. Sesame Street never fails in entertaining children while talking about important topics, as in this case is jobs. This video introduces different jobs from different puppets while singing a song. The fact that these jobs are presented through a song is what catches, not only native children, but also ESL students’ attention and stimulates them to listen and sing to this song.

Through the use of puppets, children are able to learn about different jobs in an enjoyable way. Besides, by the use of repetition, the song becomes catchy and unforgettable, especially for ESL students who might get easily bored with a topic. The use of repetition allows children to sing along with the puppets, as they already know the sentence that comes next. For example ‘Jobs are important, the work that we do. Jobs are the things we do every day.’

The Job Song by Sesame Street is a good option to introduce the topic of jobs in a meaningful way, not only for native English speakers, but also for those who are non-native English speakers. As for ESL students, it could be a boring topic if it was not dealt with a song, but everything is better when you sing it, and Sesame Street is the living proof of that. Highly recommended.


  1. Hello Abru! This is me, Mercedes :D I really enjoy your review. It is precise and clear. The different points that you mention why "The Job Song by Sesame Street" is a good pedagogic source for ESL and non-native learners, are perfectly explained, and I totally agree with you. I only have two things that I want to check. First ate the beginning you introduce the Job Song then you stop that sentence, and you continue saying: "Sesame Street never fails in entertaining children while talking about important topics". Notice that it is the first time that you mention Sesame Street, and you never said that The Job Song belongs to it. Maybe you could start saying: "A very entertaining video is introduced to talk about jobs in The Job Song presented in Sesame Street, a TV show for children." This is the only thing that I would change, but the rest is excellent, Abru! Great job!

  2. Hello, Abril. The review that you wrote is excellent. I like the way you describe the show and the connections you made about using it as an ESL element to get English to non-native students. What really caught my attention is the emphasis that you put on repetition. I think that this is key to bringing English to ESL learners. If we, as teachers, give special attention to a strategy like repetition, we can have good results from our students. great review.


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