Moveable Beast (by Yésica)

María Dahvana Headley in “Moveable Beast” manages to create an unusual love story set in a fantasy world, packed with teenage angst, sexual awakening, and a pinch of dark humour.

Witty, sarcastic, and lovable is the main character, Angela. A simple teenage girl that works in a simple ice cream shop. On a Thursday afternoon, Angela meets Billy Beachman, a so-called “Collector”. Their encounter will change Angela’s monotonous life forever. What once seemed set in stone, now is uncertain. It sounds like a regular teen story, right? Oh, But, the reader may wish to know that there is nothing regular about Bastardville Because you see, a small town needs an attraction, and Bastardville got The Beast: A creature that lurks in the dark behind the forest that surrounds the town. What is more, it is Billy’s desire to collect The Beast at all cost, even at the risk of his own life.

A highly recommended tale, perfect for those who are craving for a singular love story.


  1. Yésica, I have to say I love your style. The review is short and compact, but at the same time packed with information. It is rich in literary devices and phrases such as 'set in stone'... I love it. Congratulations. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  2. Hello, Yésica. My name is Maricel. Your review is concise, short and sweet. With only one paragraph you were able to tell the story in a engaging way. I really like it! :)
    You also convinced me and now I want to read the whole story haha.


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